Sue the WHO Initiative to protect global health and science integrity

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Why And How To Sue The W.H.O.! Join Us! It Is Time!

In June 2024 the WHO internal oversight has referred Interest of Justice’s case for crimes against humanity against DG Tedros to National Authorities which will begin the process of Suing the WHO. The WHO took over 2 years to finally refer these cases to National Authorities to commence. There are currently a number of human rights and criminal actions in process against World Health Organization and Staff filed by Interest of Justice.  All work is an attempt to clarify disputed facts, science and law with WHO and Member States as well as to try to speed things along for covid justice and lessons learned toward creating strong institutions and peace.

There are Multiple cases against the WHO filed by a small international organization Interest of Justice (IOJ). Sign up to IOJ's Substacks to learn more about the various cases against World Health Organization. and

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breach of duty

The WHO Staff Is In Breach:

Stop the global experimentors

Unanswered charges by WHO:
Tedros Adhanom

Credibly Accused Of Terrorism, DG & Head of WHO

Susan Michie

WHO Nudge psychological experiments unit chief, Admitted Communist

Bill Gates

Investor Funder

Jeremy Farrar

Wellcome Trust and WHO Chief Scientist, involved in GoF and tried to shut down GoF investigation

WHO NITAG - Meet CR and head of Americas NITAG Secretary Roberto Arroba Tijerino - currently charged in CR for serious undue experimentation!

Private vaccine peddlers are in YOUR COUNTRY!
First NITAG meeting funded by Bill Gates.
Goal: Vaccine sales & uptake.

Global Censorship

Propaganda and Persecution of Dissenting Groups

The WHO is even going so far as to coordinate and direct an attack on civilians which rise to the level of systematic crimes against humanity by aiding and abetting, as well as controlling, acts of undue medical covid-19 non vaccine experimentation and also acts of scientific psychological behavioral nudging experimentation.  Both types of medical and scientific experimentation are against the international law which prohibits such harmful unproven interventions on people without consent.

Unethical Genetic Experimentation

Wait! Isn't the covid so called vaccine illegal eugenics? Yes.

Visit Stop Covid Vaccines NOW to learn how the WHO has authorized unsafe unapproved gene therapy as if it were a safe vaccine on the global market and is 100% responsible. The issue of sovereign immunity is able to be waived because the WHO is within the exceptions to immunity.

We have an international venue under Costa Rica's Universal Jurisdiction​

The World Health Organization is in serious breach of international obligations owed to the entire international community to protect basic human rights.  Instead of protect rights as the WHO’s constitution promises, the WHO has descended into totalitarianism under the merger with WEF, to direct States and private actors to violate rights. 

Climate Scam


UN admits they rig climate science debate with Google & "owns the science" - WHO censors TRUTH!

We built a winning record against WHO. Instead of give into fear and tyranny, we were working on boxing the WHO in!

“The WHO cannot win this case because of the way IOJ set up the record with everyone in default and even refusing to answer criminal charges filed correctly in WHO’s ethics oversight office.”  

“It’s a slam dunk case that will resolve many problems at once!”

Dustin Bryce, Interest of Justice

Taking Action & Giving Legal Notice

The WHO repeatedly refuses to answer to charges regarding the PCR test false positives and insufficient declaration of emergency which violates international law & breaches the WHO Staff Rules!

The video below is May 3, 2023 in the Health and Human Services headquarters. It was recorded by HHS “to advise the US government prior to the May 21-30, 2023 World Health Assembly. Interest of Justice advised the US and all member states to EXIT THE WHO & UN because the UN acts above the law, is unaccountable & will not answer criminal charges.  You are all welcome. It had to be said.

1 minute explainer Sue the WHO

This case is brought by Interest of Justice, a WHO stakeholder civil society organization who is committed to prosecuting the many UN-WEF-WHO breaches of duty & gross systematic violations of basic Human Rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms.  There is a real solution to WHO global tyranny which begins by rising above inferior and irrelevant national laws to finally step up our game and enforce the international law of State and International Responsibility. 

LAW is our STRENGTH and violations are their WEAKNESS!  Be READY to sue the WHO & win! 

2024 NO MORE!
It Is Time To Terminate Tedros

The WHO DG Tedros is out of control and must be immediately discharged without future benefits for breach of duties and crimes against humanity. The WHO is violating their own ethics guidance under the Director Generals terms, which prejudices the organization, therefore we claim the right to terminate Tedros & jail him (and all those involved).
